How to Put Together the Different Pieces of the Throne: Overview and Perspectives of the Thesis 'Hegemonic Strategies in the Struggle for the Iron Throne. An Analysis on Narratives in Game of Thrones'


  • Nayla Gutierrez Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Belén Jones Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Media narratives, gender, political-economic administration, lineage, hegemony


The aim of this paper is to systematize the process through which we applied the knowledge acquired during our undergraduate studies in order to analyze, from a standpoint of its production logics, the audiovisual material ‘Game of Thrones’ in a selection of its first three seasons. To do so, we inquired into the narratives regarding the notion of power present in the series (political-economic administration of space, gender relations and lineage) from the approach of Latin American Cultural Studies.

We understand that in current times it is necessary to ask ourselves about the implications of seeing and linking with the different meanings from different formats, times and platforms, which together make up new social practices. That is to say, they are nothing but other ways of catharsis to cope with our everyday life.

Specifically, this presentation consists of proposing an approximation to the tools developed (grids elaboration, scenes description, etc.) and their articulation with the theoretical, to arrive at different conclusions and new questions arising from our Undergraduate Thesis 'Hegemonic Strategies in the Struggle for the Iron Throne: an Analysis on Narratives in Game of Thrones'.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez, N. ., & Jones, B. . (2021). How to Put Together the Different Pieces of the Throne: Overview and Perspectives of the Thesis ’Hegemonic Strategies in the Struggle for the Iron Throne. An Analysis on Narratives in Game of Thrones’. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



Ciencia, Narrativas y Memoria