Institutional social media: Professional Associations


  • Noelia Paola Paniego Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina


Professional Associations, institutional social media, internal/external communication, convergence, virtual communities


The research analyzes the uses made by collegiate Institutions of Social Networks, working on a specific case. We work specifically on Facebook and Instagram, and the communities that are generated in their environment, taking into account that we are witnessing convergence processes, where digitization and communication by digital means is necessary; even more so in Institutions where the primary interest of the community is the professionals, who are immersed in these networks.
Information and communication technologies are reconfiguring the ways of being, the perception of space and time, so it is proposed to recognize the strategy that the Institution uses to generate ties through social networks; and describe the forms of user participation, prior institutional recognition, taking into account that communication management in an organization is impossible without understanding the internal structure; since although they are communicational processes that differ, they are necessary for external communication.
On the other hand, social networks are established as a constitutive part of the subjects, since we are social beings who build and interact in networks; the difference is that analysis networks are now digital and online.
The work was carried out through triangulation research methodologies, taking qualitative and quantitative tools through an analysis matrix in order to recognize content, quantity and frequencies of posts and interactions in the networks; in this way to delimit the communities that are generated.


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Author Biography

Noelia Paola Paniego, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina


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How to Cite

Paniego, N. P. . (2021). Institutional social media: Professional Associations. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



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