Desprejuiciades: let's talk about motor disability and socio-affective bonds


  • Barone Barone Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Communication and functional diversity, communication and disability, disability and networks, community, human rights, socio-affective links, integral sexuality


In this paper I present the scope of the production "Desprejuiciades", as a discursive space that seeks, from a rights perspective, to make visible and problematize the stereotypes, prejudices and practices that deny to Persons with Disabilities (PwD) the possibilities of generating socio-affective links and the recognition of the different stages of life.

"Desprejuiciades", a space where functional diversity and sexuality are compatible, is the result of a personal and collective process that was the corollary of the TIF degree that we made together with my ISER Extension colleagues, Lucas William Gould and Lorena Matus, with the purpose of promoting a look towards PwD that allows us to conceive them as subjects of political and sexual rights. "Desprejuiciades" is a digital media designed to break down taboos about the construction of their sexualities and socio-affective links.

The web portal has derived social networks (Facebook profile, Twitter and Instagram and YouTube channel), together, they propose a social transformation in the look towards PcD. A look that, as proposed by the social model of disability, thinks about the experiences of PwD in an interdisciplinary way, taking into account the subject as part of a particular socio-historical period in which social class, gender and sexual orientation, among other dimensions, will affect their experiences in relation to disability.


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Canal de YouTube “Desprejuiciades” Recuperado de (consultado en junio 2021)

Fan Page “Desprejuiciades”. Recuperado de (consultado en junio 2021)

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Perfil de Instagram “Desprejuiciades”. Recuperado de

Perfil de Twitter “Desprejuiciades”. Recuperado de

Portal web “Desprejuiciades”. Recuperado de

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How to Cite

Barone, A. A. . (2021). Desprejuiciades: let’s talk about motor disability and socio-affective bonds. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from


