M.C.S Case: Analysis on the subjectivizations around a woman who defended herself because nobody had protected her before


  • Sofía Peroni Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Robertina Sacido Torchio Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Gender, woman, subjectivation, identity, culture


This work aims to highlight the life story of M.C.S, a woman who had suffered gender-based violence for 40 years and was judged by a patriarchal system after hurting her husband while defending herself. It will be used deep interviews with the victim and the referents from the Association of Women in Struggle in Azul (AMLA), as methodological instrument for such work.

The research arises from the Final Integrative Work (TIF) of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication “(Pre) Judging women: devices that operate in patriarchal justice” (Peroni & amp; Sacido Torchio, 2020); and it is the result of our concurrence throughout the Seminar about Subjectivities and Identities in the framework of Contemporary Culture, of the Specialization in Social Communication, Journalism and Gender of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication, National University of La Plata (FPyCS-UNLP).

By doing this work, we share the experience of getting into aspects that interested us and drew our attention for our thesis but,unfortunately , we didn't have the tools to develop it. From the hard journey through this matter, we have taken these concepts and meanings that provided us a wider and deeper view on the MCS case, as well as the topic we have chosen to analyze. The aim in this case, is to research thoroughly about the different types of violence she has suffered throughout her life, identifying thus, the identity construction and the ways of subjectivation that got involved

In a personal and social level according to the theoretical texts addressed at the Seminary.


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Peroni, S. y Sacido Torchio, R. (2020). (Pre)Juzgar a las mujeres: Dispositivos que operan en la justicia patriarcal. [Tesis de grado]. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: FPyCS-UNLP. Recuperado de http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/94307

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How to Cite

Peroni, S. ., & Sacido Torchio, R. . (2021). M.C.S Case: Analysis on the subjectivizations around a woman who defended herself because nobody had protected her before. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/actas/article/view/7066


