What happens with youth penal responsibility and public politics of promotion and protection of rights of children and youth in Argentina?


  • Carla Brunella De Luca Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Youth, security, public policies


In our country, the dispute over the lowering of the age of punishment repeatedly emerges on the public scene. In this sense, making a survey of institutional material and a media record we can account for the repeated way in which the issue is discussed. Reconstructing the history of this problem, we identify that the differents attempts that aim to modify the juvenile penal regime are circumscribed in a relational framework in which insecurity is permanently associated with youth from popular sectors.

Lowering the age of punishment has become a reiterated proposal that takes up the need to modify current regulations, but that simultaneously advances in aspects that alert human rights organizations, in general, and the defense of the rights of girls, children and young people, in particular. In this framework, to account for this network of interactions, we will reconstruct some discussions and situations regarding the relationship between youth and security, the different legal frameworks on juvenile criminal responsibility and public policies for the promotion, and protection of rights for girls, boys and young people in Argentina. That is, we will recognize some dimensions of the context in which the issue in question is located.


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How to Cite

De Luca, C. B. . (2021). What happens with youth penal responsibility and public politics of promotion and protection of rights of children and youth in Argentina?. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/actas/article/view/7078



Territorios y juventudes