Going back to the roots to be better: re-readings of Perón's third command in an environmental key to get out of the climate, environmental and unequal crisis
Environment, state, peronism, public policies, rightsAbstract
This presentation will be framed in my Final Integrative Work (FIW) “The culture of garbage: tensions and new challenges facing a new eco-social pact. Witness case in ‘Villa Elvira’”. It is located within the research line of environmental problems. Specifically, it will reflect on garbage as a sociocultural practice and the networks of power and inequality that are articulated in it. Villa Elvira will be used as an empirical reference to analyze these instances in relation to the problem.
In this sense, what motivates my research is not only thinking about where we are going with the habits we have in the framework of the capitalist and extractivist consumption model that we inhabit; It is also looking for answers on how to transform them in conjunction with the presence of the State and community work among neighbors in pursuit of a transformation that is friendly to the environment, as a consequence, with us. In that way, I propose to reflect on a model of an eco-social pact that is sustainable with the planet and equal for all.
Following this line, the popular environmentalism proposed by the peronist movement will be investigated. We know that historically the Peronism has vindicated economic independence, social justice and political sovereignty. Thereby, the ruptures and continuities of the third presidential term of Juan Domingo Perón and the public policies proposed in environmental matters will be inquire. This period is understood as the first political antecedent. Consequently, the creation of the first Secretary of Natural Resources and Human Environment of our country and Latin America will be inquire. Furthermore, it will reflect on the Yolanda Ortiz’s role as the person in charge of it and "Message to the peoples and governments of the world" (1972) written by Perón where he warns of the need for a paradigm shift.
Acción ambiental (18 de junio de 2021). Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible. Recuperado de https://www.argentina.gob.ar/ambiente/accion
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