State, global post-pandemic and disputes of meaning

The Configuration of a New Order or Neoliberal Deepening?


  • Carlos Ciappina Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Patricia Rodrigo


Estate, governments, quarantine, communication, politics


In this paper, we focus on the modifications, the impacts the pandemic has had on the social consideration of the role of the State in Latin America. In this sense, we inquired if there were appreciable differences in operation that explain different situations in the face of the pandemic and what we can glimpse into the future in terms of state capacities and the relationships between them and the economy. In the management of the pandemic, social networks played a fundamental role as current and leading devices in the production and reproduction of speeches together with the public demonstrations of groups called “anti-quarantine”.


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Author Biography

Carlos Ciappina, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina





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How to Cite

Ciappina, C. ., & Rodrigo, P. . (2023). State, global post-pandemic and disputes of meaning : The Configuration of a New Order or Neoliberal Deepening? . Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 8(1). Retrieved from



Ciencia, teoría y comunicación política: el Estado en el siglo XXI