From David Bowie to Harry Styles

Breaking Masculinity's Mandates by Dressing?



Masculinities, fashion, agender, communication, gender


No one is exempt from fashion, whether they want it or not, in some way or another. Every human being presents himself to society not only with his behaviour, but also with the clothes he wears. In that sense, we will focus on a field that has taken hold in recent years and that has been growing in the industry: agender fashion or without gender. From that place we will take as an object of study men in the art and entertainment industry, having as main figures David Bowie and Harry Styles as exponents of this phenomenon in their respective epochs, to conclude if it is because of the visibility of these characters is that they are breaking the mandates of masculinity when dressing.


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How to Cite

JhonanquierBarrera, Nelson. (2023). From David Bowie to Harry Styles : Breaking Masculinity’s Mandates by Dressing? . Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 8(1). Retrieved from



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