Schools, queens and beauty

The National Student Festival and the subjectivities of female beauty in the Provincial High School of Commerce N°1 of Jujuy


  • Noelia Lucila Luna Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Identity, Jujuy, schools, subjectivities


The following work is the beginning of a research project on the subjectivities of female beauty that the students of the Provincial High School of Commerce N°1 of the Jujuy province configure during the National Student Festival (FNE), one of the most popular and traditional festivities of Jujuy that have various attractions, such as the dance of the election of the queen of each school, a place where research will be focused on. Thus, the objective will be to analyze the subjective construction (s) of representations of female beauty in the construction of Jujuy identity in the queen's election of the Provincial High School of Commerce N°1. Considering that it is important to be able to observe how in the FNE the standardization of beauty is naturalized and at the same time, Anglo-Saxon stereotypes are privileged that impact on identity processes.


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Author Biography

Noelia Lucila Luna, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina





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How to Cite

Luna, N. L. . (2023). Schools, queens and beauty: The National Student Festival and the subjectivities of female beauty in the Provincial High School of Commerce N°1 of Jujuy. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



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