From the networks to the streets: digital activism in the mobilization for #Noal2x1 in human rights crimes


  • Nazareno Lanusse Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Digital activism social networks, media, human rights, political communication


This paper seeks to analyze the role of digital activism, understood as the way of expressing and organizing for a varied political or cultural cause through different digital platforms, in the massive mobilization for the #NoAl2x1 in crimes against humanity crimes occurred in 2017 in Argentina, more precisely in the Plaza de Mayo. There, a phenomenon that had centrality in the virtual could be observed, since the call had a fully digital emergence, which then moved to the mass media, to materialize an act that marked the history of the contemporary struggle of HRD organizations, and at the same time, achieved vindications at judicial and legislative scale, since the Supreme Court of Justice ruled against the benefit to repressors and the Congress of the Nation itself voted a Law that prohibits benefiting with the two-for-one to this type of crimes.


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How to Cite

Lanusse, N. . (2021). From the networks to the streets: digital activism in the mobilization for #Noal2x1 in human rights crimes. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



Discursos digitales