The Role of Universities in Promoting of Community Well-Being

The Case of the Project «Colaborar UC» from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile




university extension, social organizations, evaluation, university social responsability


The «Colaborar UC» project, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, addresses University Social Responsibility (usr) in La Legua, Santiago de Chile. Through a qualitative study, applied through interviews with academics and community workers, this article evaluates the action carried out and shows how university extension strengthens collaboration. The analysis highlights effective mediation and bidirectional learning between the university and social organizations, and the potential of universities in promoting community well-being and solving specific social problems is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Goñi Jerez, M. F., & Elisa. (2024). The Role of Universities in Promoting of Community Well-Being: The Case of the Project «Colaborar UC» from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Extensión En Red, (15), e048.


