Neoliberalism, democracy and subjectivity

The people as fundament, strategy and project




Neoliberalism, subjectivity, the people, popular sovereignty


The aim of this paper is to answer two questions. The first one is how to think about the contemporary neoliberal order, and the second, how to challenge it when it seems to persist through different devices and techniques. The neoliberalism has operated as a mode of regulation, a rationality and a subjectivity throughout time. The ways of tackling it, then, must contemplate these three dimensions. By means of elections it is possible to solve the first one. In order to face the other dimensions, it is necessary, instead - and this is the hypothesis of this paper- to build the "people" as a subject that works as foundation, strategy and project in the perspective of restoring the link between popular sovereignty and social justice, within the framework of democratic institutions.


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How to Cite

Stoessel, S., & Retamozo, M. (2020). Neoliberalism, democracy and subjectivity: The people as fundament, strategy and project. RevCom, (10), e026.