Notes of oral history of TV from a local and regional theoretical perspective

Modes of watching television in the province of Entre Rios




television, oral history, Entre Ríos province, local access


The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the first official television broadcast in Argentina leads us to reflect on the modes in which access and viewing were historically configured in our local and regional realities. Through the recording of testimonies from an oral history perspective, elements are provided to understand the arrival of television in the province of Entre Ríos. The systematic access to oral testimonies of the audiences of that time, as well as to archival sources in the local press, allows us to remember the arrival of the devices and the characteristics of, what we can name as “a collective viewing”. This finding allows us to reconstruct and analyze aspects related to differences marked by geography and the effective reach of national, regional, and border television media, including those that were in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Perticará, M. ., & Miranda, J. . (2021). Notes of oral history of TV from a local and regional theoretical perspective: Modes of watching television in the province of Entre Rios. RevCom, (13), e063.



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