Youth, Communication and Culture

Disputes and Meanings in the National Student’s Festival in Jujuy




yuth, communication, culture, biopolitics


The Fiesta Nacional de los Estudiantes (FNE) is a festival that has been held for seventy years in the city of San Salvador de Jujuy, which has several instances to be effective, one of them is called Pintada Estudiantil (Student Painting). In this article we will give an account of a conflicto during this event in which the hegemonic meanings of youth and their role as heirs and reproducers of the traditional values of a society came into crisis. The critical analysis will allow us to unveil the dominant meanings in the processes of social interaction through the study of biopolitical meanings and strategies in the construction and regulation of the youth condition. This will allow us to reserch the tensions and resistance generated by certain youth sectors to the institutional impositions in force in a society such as that of Jujuy.


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How to Cite

Guzmán, J. A. ., Sosa Chavez, N. ., & Montial Bergesio, L. . (2022). Youth, Communication and Culture: Disputes and Meanings in the National Student’s Festival in Jujuy. RevCom, (14), e076.


