Contexts of Communication / Education

Practices and Policies of Significance


  • Darío Martínez Universidad Nacional de La Plata / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina



communication, education, contexts, schools, socio-community, media-technological


The development of the communication/education field installed the enumeration of institutional educational, socio-community and media-technological spaces, these were scenarios of political-cultural intervention. From the radical contextualism suggested by cultural studies, here we seek to deepen theoretical lines that transcend the school as a privileged space of the first analyzes in communication/education. Crumbling the embedded contexts, their relationships, the connections between certain types of spaces, territories and diagrams will allow a new articulation to be achieved. Educational institutions, media-technology and socio-community spaces have particular meaning policies that are given from being housed in a specific type of situation. A conjuncture has its leak points on which it is possible to build other types of contexts more prone to more equal political horizons.


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How to Cite

Martínez, D. (2020). Contexts of Communication / Education: Practices and Policies of Significance. RevCom, (11), e045.


