Denialism in the political discourse of José Luis Espert and Juan José Gómez Centurión



Dictatorship, Political Discourse, Hegemony, Political Communication


The last civil-military-corporative dictatorship in Argentina, had the objective to install a socio-economic and political model, and its existence and sustainability over time was possible thanks to the participation of differentes social actors. Both actively and by omission, a large part of civil society justified y legitimated torture, kidnapping and other human rights violations, calling against the victims the “something must have been done” discourse. This meaning were, later, taken up again to deny that what happened was, actually, a genocide[i] organized and committed by the argentinian state. Although since the return of democracy the memory, truth and justice discourse could consolidated, the meanings around the “theory of the two demons'' found, during the government of Mauricio Macri, the possibility of resurgence in the political discourse of officials and candidates for public office, like José Luis Espert and Juan José Gómez Centurión.


[i] The decision to use the concept “genocide” to name what has happened was based on understand the genocide social practice as the destruction of the people, that happens through the destruction of their relationship of autonomy and cooperation (Feierstein, 2017, p.230).


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How to Cite

De Marziani, S. (2021). Denialism in the political discourse of José Luis Espert and Juan José Gómez Centurión. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



Análisis del discurso