Public Communication of Science and Chagas disease: towards the research problem and first background of the study


  • Bárbara Dibene CONICET y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Public Communication of Science, Chagas, discourse, social representations, audiovisual productions


The present work is an approach to a research project that is part of the Doctorate in Communication of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication of the National University of La Plata and that aims to know and analyze how the problem of Chagas has been constructed discursively in our country in dissemination audiovisual productions that circulated between 2006 and 2020. Specifically, it will address a selection of documentaries and episodes of series that were produced by the State and the group 'What do we talk about when we talk about Chagas?' (a NGO that had been dedicated ten years to addressing the issue) and that had a screen on public channels and / or public platforms such as Pakapaka, TV Pública, Encuentro, TVU, and Seguimos Educando. Chagas disease, with at least a million and a half people affected in Argentina, is a health problem of great relevance, but for several decades it has dragged two difficulties of important analytical value to work from a communicative perspective: the low visibility (or invisibility) of the thematic and the treatment mainly biomedical and epidemiological. In this work the research problem is exposed, which is anchored in the studies of Public Communication of Science, and an approach to the State of the Art.


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How to Cite

Dibene, B. . (2021). Public Communication of Science and Chagas disease: towards the research problem and first background of the study. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



Ciencia, Narrativas y Memoria