Youth and sports: the young athletes girls on the digital diaries


  • Valentina González López Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Sports, youth, narratives, gender, digital media


The objective of this work is to analyze and unravel the media narratives and representations of young women in the sports news of the digital press. We start from understanding young people as a group loaded with diverse characteristics and traits that are in constant change, so there is no single way to be young, but rather it can be in the greatest diversity.
The media play a fundamental role in the construction of identities, since they legitimize imaginations, practices and discourses around young people and the place they should occupy in the world. In other words, the ways in which the media tell and portray the world are not innocent.
At the same time, we understand sport as a cultural practice in which different senses converge, in which imaginaries around genders, races, among others, are built and legitimized. This is why, taking into account the context of mobilizations and debates that have put in tension the constructed meanings that at some point societies legitimized and took as true, it is necessary to approach this issue from a gender perspective in order to produce lines of actions that contribute to the construction of sports journalism that makes female sports practices and female athletes visible.


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Author Biography

Valentina González López, Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina




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How to Cite

González López, V. . (2021). Youth and sports: the young athletes girls on the digital diaries. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



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