Approach to virtual education: the case of the Reading and Writing Workshop I of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication, UNLP


  • Nicolás Inchaurrondo Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Virtual education, virtual environments, multimedia materials


This article arises at the beginning of a Final Integrative Work of the Specialization in Digital Communication at the Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (FPyCS) from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Its plan was approved in May 2021 by the Board of Directors of the institution, and it bears the name of The pandemic and the digitalization of education: the case of the Reading and Writing Workshop I. I propose to analyze the educational practices carried out virtually by the teachers of the Reading and Writing Workshop I during 2021, from the Covid-19 pandemic.
This instance will be in permanent relationship with the practices that the students have in this field, so it will be necessary to take into account their contexts to carry out the course. A course that began in March and will culminate in July 2021.


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How to Cite

Inchaurrondo, N. . (2021). Approach to virtual education: the case of the Reading and Writing Workshop I of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication, UNLP. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from


