Habitus and identity: some approaches from communication / education field


  • Florencia Seré Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Yemina López Comisión Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Communication/ education, habitus, identity, reading and writing


This work recovers some of the theoretical-methodological debates that, within the framework of our doctoral research, we have been developing. Our theses are framed in the field of communication / education / culture, and address reading and writing practices as not only educational, but also social and cultural practices.

From where do we think the educational trajectories? How do we link this category with the construction of identity (of class, gender, ethnicity and position) of the students entering the university? How does the habitus configure and structure ways of being and being in educational institutions? How are the categories of communication, education and culture fundamental for the analysis of this data in our research? These are some of the questions that this work recovers.

In this way, here we propose to present part of a map of larger debates on the field of communication / education / culture in which our research is framed and that we have been building collectively from the Center for Research in Reading and Writing (CILE). In this sense, thinking about the categories of habitus and identity and how they are articulated in the field of communication / education / culture helps us to think, in parallel, how we approach and from where we analyze our objects of study.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this presentation, entitled "Habitus and identity: some approaches from the field of communication / education" dialogues directly with the one presented by Astrid Ullman and Ailén Stranges . Since it seems impossible to us, from the position in our field, to think the research plots in any other way than in a dialogical, collective and situated way.


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Author Biography

Florencia Seré, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina





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How to Cite

Seré, F. ., & López, Y. . (2021). Habitus and identity: some approaches from communication / education field . Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/actas/article/view/7056


