Twitter: the social network and the construction of political and social meanings among young Argentines



Communication, social networks, Twitter, political senses


This work aims to be an initial proposal on a field work whose purpose is to characterize, describe and analyze how young Argentines construct new meanings about politics, society and culture, within the framework of the debates of news located in the interactions that take place on the social network Twitter. It aims to investigate the displacements of meaning that have occurred in the political discourse with respect to the traditional uses of national politics and how these displacements construct new meanings that end up changing the original meanings of the more traditional categories and notions of the Argentine political discourse. This is a work in which the methodology will be to take a series of samples of the most popular Twitter accounts in Argentina, place them in a given period and context, to understand in what framework these current debates are inscribed in relation to the political, social and cultural agenda proposed by the media. It does not pretend to be a finished version on a topic whose dimension and complexity is presented in a changing and dynamic way, as proposed by the logic of Twitter and social networks, but only a general introduction to a limited universe of problems in which the search for a resolution is unthinkable. And in which it is more likely to come to the conclusion that the field of communication and network politics implies moments of opening and never of closing.


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How to Cite

Barboza, W. . (2022). Twitter: the social network and the construction of political and social meanings among young Argentines. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(2). Retrieved from



Comunicación, medios y política