The Professional Practice of the Institutional Communicator


  • Gabriel Lamanna Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Professional, practice, institutional, Communicator


Although the transformations in social relations and the technological advances of recent times have had a profound impact on the daily work of those of us who work as institutional communicators, some aspects that are directly linked to the correct exercise of the profession still remain unchanged. Mentioning some of these are not only relevant for those who are starting their practices, but will also serve as a reminder for those who already have work experience linked to what we can call DIRCOM (director of communication).


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Author Biography

Gabriel Lamanna, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina




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How to Cite

Lamanna, G. . (2023). The Professional Practice of the Institutional Communicator. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 8(1). Retrieved from



Comunicación pública e institucional