The (New) Latin American Informational Guerrillas



Conflict, cognitive warfare, power relations, progressivism, United States


Since the 1990s, a new political cycle was configured in Latin America that was not only related to the stagnation of the Washington consensus and the weakening of the state, but fundamentally to the new structures in the information field.

It is then that a novel conflict that goes beyond geopolitics, economics and information was installed in the region; In continuity with the media wars, the new informational guerrillas have begun.


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Author Biography

François Soulard , Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina





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How to Cite

Soulard , F. . (2023). The (New) Latin American Informational Guerrillas. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 8(1). Retrieved from



Comunicación política, territorios y movimientos sociales