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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Rules for authors

The materials must be original and unpublished, have not been sent simultaneously to other printed or digital publications, nor be pending assessment for publication in any other medium, in any format. They will be subject to the following rules:

Sending files

All works must be submitted in word format and allow editing. They will be initiated by the title (in Spanish and English) and will continue with the summary (in Spanish and English), the key words (in Spanish and in English) and the body of the article (including notes and bibliography). In no case should the name of the authors and the data of institutional affiliation be included in the work. All these references will have to be placed at the beginning of the shipment in the spaces designated for that purpose (metadata).

Along with the work, the author will attach a document containing a checklist and a declaration of originality, conflicts of interest and assignment of rights. Works that do not comply with the regulations specified here and disaggregated in the document (Check sheet for authors) will be rejected.

To ensure blind review, authors who cite works of authorship must remove their names both in the body of the text, using the formula author-year in parentheses (Author, year), as well as in the bibliographical references and in the notes. In addition, they will attach the complete work, with all the corresponding references, in step 4 "Upload complementary files", so that the correction team uses this document in the editing process to replace the missing references.


Steps to make the shipment

(For simplicity, title, abstract and keywords are only loaded in Spanish in metadata within the manuscript in both languages).

- Log in (for this you must be registered in the journal with the category of author).

- Access «Start a new shipment» and complete the 5 steps requested by the system.

Step 1: Start the shipment (choose «Section» / check the points in «Shipment checklist» / if necessary, enter «Comments for the editor»).

Step 2: Upload the shipment (attach the file).

Step 3: Enter shipping metadata (load «Title», «Summary» and «Keywords» in Spanish / In cases of multiple authorship select «Add author» /).

Step 4: Upload complementary files (the verification sheet for authors and, in cases where necessary, the original file with the replacement of excluded references for a correct blind review).

Step 5: Finish sending.


Metadata must be completed in all cases.

Affiliation: at this point the institutional affiliation of each author will be made explicit.

The academic affiliation (institution) must keep the following form:

When dealing with areas of the same institution, they are named from lowest to highest grade, separating them by semicolons. Example:

Gino Germani Research Institute; Faculty of Social Sciences; Buenos Aires' University

When, in addition, the affiliation includes belonging to other institutions, only the areas of the main affiliation will be disaggregated, and the rest of the institutions will be separated by bars. Example:

Gino Germani Research Institute; Faculty of Social Sciences; University of Buenos Aires / University of Entre Ríos / National Council of Scientific and Technical Research

Country: the country of belonging of the institution of affiliation of the author will be consigned.

Biographical summary:

It will contain the most relevant data of each author and will include graduate and postgraduate training and the year and place of obtaining the title / s. The research lines, main publications and some other detail of interest will be made explicit. It is suggested that it be brief and that it be stated as follows:

Professor of secondary and higher education in History from the University of Buenos Aires (2005), Master in History and Memory from the National University of La Plata (2009) and PhD student in Gender Studies at the University of Buenos Aires. Currently, she is a doctoral fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, based at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Gender Studies of the UBA, and works as a teacher at the same university. She specializes in Argentina's recent past and in gender studies and has published several articles in Argentina and other Latin American countries.

Title: The title of the work (in Spanish and English) for any of the sections may contain up to 20 words.

Summary: The papers to be published in any of the sections must have a concise and reduced summary in Spanish and English of no more than 200 words.

The summary is a miniature version of the article that allows the reader to quickly and accurately identify the content of the work. It should be informative and include a brief description of the content and conclusions; it must not contain bibliographic citations or references to tables or figures; in it, textual fragments of the article should not be repeated.

Keywords: Up to five keywords can be used (in Spanish and English).

Language: Only works written in Spanish will be accepted. It is recommended that authors who are not native speakers or who do not master the Spanish language to perfection, that before sending their manuscripts to Question seek professional help (translation and editing) and of academics -in the area of the manuscript- that have domain full Spanish

The title, summary and keywords should be written in Spanish and English.



For the works to be published in the sections essays or research reports: minimum extension: 20,000 characters with spaces and maximum: 45,000 characters with spaces (including tables, notes and bibliography).

For the works to be published in the section reviews / reviews: minimum extension: 5,000 characters with spaces and maximum: 10,000 characters with spaces (including tables, notes and bibliography).



The APA standards will be used. Cite the bibliographic sources within the text as follows: (author, year: page). Example: (Maturana, 1997: 48).



The notes will only be used for clarifications or comments. They must be placed manually (do not insert through the option footnote or at the end) and in parentheses. Ex. (1). They will be reduced to the minimum necessary and will be indicated at the end of the text of the submitted work, under the title of Notes. It is recommended that they be brief.



The bibliography should be indicated in alphabetical order also at the end of the text of the work, according to APA standards. It will follow the section dedicated to the Notes, under the title Bibliography.


Use of inclusive language

In case this formula is used: "lxs distintxs", it will be replaced by "distinct and different". If the term expresses double gender: "the declarants", it will be replaced by "the declarants".

Format Details
Font type and size: arial 10.
Line spacing: 1.5 lines.
Columns: one column.
Header: should not be used.
Footer: should not be used.
Page number: should not be used.
Underlined: should not be used.


Guidelines for the treatment of images
The figures / photos / graphics must be presented within the body of the work.

The images used must contain the complete credit (author and source), and the authors of the article assume the responsibility for having the authorization to reproduce them, respecting national and international copyright. Under each image, in the body of the work, its respective legend and credit will be included, preceded by the word "Figure", the serial number and the two points. Example: Figure 3: Still life, 1960, Giorgio Morandi (Morandi Museum, Bologna). The use of tables will follow the same format.

Peer Review

The contributions received to be published in the Essays, Reports and Initiation to research sections, will undergo a process of review and approval by specialists, who will apply a specific review and judgment form for the evaluation of the works.


This section is intended for the publication of scientific essays that may or may not be the result of empirical research, but because of the characteristics of its writing, argumentation, intention and communicability deserve this denomination. The essay is an argumentative discussion in which the writer exposes a topic of disciplinary interest approaching the reality of the facts and their knowledge of them.
According to J. Ortega y Gasset, "the essay is the science without the explicit proof". With this it is emphasized that it is not an irresponsible discourse but a text that obviates the theoretical apparatus and the aridity of the formulas and pictures in order to increase the readability and explanatory capacity.
This kind of materials is one of the main resources of modern culture. By its means is that the most influential ideas are debated, the latest contributions of science are known, opinion is formed and productive discrepancy occurs.


In this section will be published works carried out in order to resume the results achieved in undergraduate research, postgraduate, scholarships, research projects, etc. The research report is an exhibition of a scientific research already carried out. This generic denomination serves to indicate that what is written is the result obtained in a certain phase of an investigation in progress, the final report about it or the product of a work team.


This section will include summaries of research projects of academic units, researchers, institutes, NGOs, etc. The summaries can not be considered as scientific works, since they are limited to summarizing the future actions of a project. But they matter in the sense that through them you can know what issues, problems, lines of research, methodological and conceptual approaches are emerging in the horizon of the field.


This section is designed to relate the biographical particularities of the interviewee with their conceptual developments within the social sciences, with the interest of Question for thinking and debating certain issues and linking these three axes with the social, political and cultural reality , historical and economic of Latin America or part of it (a region, a country, a locality, etc.).


In this section you can include book reviews, magazines, websites, movies, TV, radio, congresses, meetings, art shows, scientific events, papers, developments, etc. The review is a brief writing that tries to give a panoramic and critical vision of some work. It is common that scientific journals appear reviews of specialty books, which help readers to know better the possible sources of existing information. The reviews serve to motivate the interest of the people who develop in a specific area of studies and to evaluate the quality of the works that are appearing before the public.

Privacy Statement

Los datos personales y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán, exclusivamente, para los fines declarados por la publicación y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.