Subjects and teaching subjectivities in Argentine public policies. The example of Latin American pedagogical thought. Part 1


  • Cintia Rogovsky National University of La Plata



communication, educational programs, teaching profession, Latin American thought, subjectivities.


The analysis of the training devices and teacher training in public policies allows to observe indications of the possible implications of the new governmental pedagogical political and communicational project initiated in December of 2015, from the perspective of communication/education in the construction of new teacher subjectivities

Through the example of the module Latin American Pedagogical Thinking developed between 2014 and 2017 in the Program National of Permanent Formation “Nuestra Escuela” (Our School) of the National Institute of Teacher Training of the Ministry of Education of the Nation in the 24 Argentine provinces, aims to observe eliminations of contents, ruptures and interruptions of federal processes of training that reveal plots, speeches and practices authoritarian, deployed in the virtual modality, as well as possible consequences of these new pedagogical subjectivities in dynamics of individuation in tension with collective projects according to the instrumental discourse of the "society of transparency".This work is part of the research for the doctoral thesis in Communication in the Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social.


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Author Biography

Cintia Rogovsky, National University of La Plata

Prof. en Historia de las Artes Visuales (FBA-UNLP). Escritora. Docente titular en el Profesorado en Comunicación Social, FPyCS, UNLP. Secretaria Académica y docente en Especialización en Edición, FPyCS, UNLP. Editora en Centro de Documentación e Información DGCyE, povincia de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Rogovsky, C. (2017). Subjects and teaching subjectivities in Argentine public policies. The example of Latin American pedagogical thought. Part 1. Question/Cuestión, 1(56), e009.