The past becomes present. An approach to the problem of aura in the work of Walter Benjamin




Benjamin, past, aura.


The theme of the aura through some fundamental constitutions in the work of Walter Benjamin. Related to retaining some of that past experience or rather that this becomes a trace of the past, on the one hand is a gateway to some historicizing of a particular type of aesthetic experience. This if we consider that the experience of cult such as the name the author is a way to proportionally reception recent article as at a given time, the relationship between the works and their public. Moreover, the auratic experimentation brings us back full recovery boost of the past, while involuntarily emerges and it becomes present.

This article will attempt to go through a preliminary partial stroke and the ways in which Benjamin conceives the emergence and destruction of the aura, and the relationship that this process has with the remembrance of past experience and its implications in the art field.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Matías Stra, Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones; Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Lic. en Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario desde 2009. Maestrando en Estudios Culturales de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Docente de Epistemología de la Comunicación en la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social UNR. Integrante del Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones UNR.


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How to Cite

Stra, S. M. (2018). The past becomes present. An approach to the problem of aura in the work of Walter Benjamin. Question/Cuestión, 1(59), e068.