Communicative interaction, social relations and social discursivity: reflections from the articulation between communication and language
The objective of this work is to formulate a new type of articulation between communication and language on the one hand, and this binomial as a whole with respect to the emergence of social relations and the processes of construction of social discursivity, that under its protection they derive. The thesis that we hold about this is that communication processes, specifically communicative interaction, generate social discursivity that serves as a support for social relations. Although this thesis is not new, it is the construction of the argument that we build here to sustain it. It is part of that sense, to dismiss the explanation that communication is the motor of the social due to the exchange of information and significance that communication entails. For us, the fact that communication is the engine of the social has an explanation that is alien to the idea of exchange and understanding that normally shapes the conceptual meaning of communication. The thesis that we defend in this regard has roots in the phenomenological, biosemiotic and neurobiological postulates.
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