Teachers as shown by cinema: a social Discourse Theory study





In this article we analyze the representation of teachers in films. Our study is based on the Social Discourse Theory formulates by M. Angenot; this theory conceives cinema as a part of the social production of meaning. From this point of view, the images of teachers in films are constructed on the basis of idiologems we can find within social discourse. We have made a contrastive and diachronic study of a corpora of films. The results allow us to identify three idiologems: the inspiring and vocational teacher, teacher as a figure of authority and teacher as a worker. On the conclusion section we link such idiologems with social discourses about formal education and teachers.


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Author Biography

Lucas Gagliardi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Profesor en Letras por la UNLP (2013); Licenciado en Letras por la misma casa de estudios (2016); Especialista en Escritura y Literatura (2018) por el INFOD. Ha publicado trabajos de investigación sobre literatura en lengua inglesa desde la perspectiva comparatista y genética. Ha participado de la edición de publicaciones científicas, materiales didácticos y materiales para la formación docente.



How to Cite

Gagliardi, L. (2019). Teachers as shown by cinema: a social Discourse Theory study. Question/Cuestión, 1(61), e142. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e142



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