Femicides: ways of visibility in the Salta media agenda during 2015
This work approaches the ways by means of which the femicidios happened in the province of Salta during 2015 entered the local media agenda, in the frame of the irruption of "Ni Una Menos", the mobilization that marked a milestone in the Argentina, with a strong protagonism of the movements of women and feminists, and the promulgation of the Decree 7896 of Emergency for Violence of Genre in the above mentioned province, which heads the rates more high of femicidios and violations of the country.
The analysis of the construction of the agenda - setting is realized in four graphical means: La Gaceta Salta, El intransigente, Nuevo Diario and El Tribuno de Salta. The same one considers the hierarchical organization assigned to the facts of femicidios in the agenda and, likewise, the location and interaction of this news inside certain sections of the diaries and the follow-up of the cases throughout the time. These aspects talk with other fundamental elements in the constitution of the production of sense on the violence against the women: the conditions of production of the information, the national context crossed by certain juridical, political and social changes; and the particularities of every journalistic company.
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