The configuration of the public space in the first peronism


  • Marilina del Valle Truccone Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



The objective of this article is tomake visible the tensions that go throught the public as an intermédiate space, between the State and civil society, from a discursive view of the social. The constitution of the public space implies the condition of possibility of new subjective inscriptions, that is why it is considered like a scene of social significance. In this sense, an analysisis made on th ewriting of letters to state figures such as Juan and Eva Perón, in relation to the emergence of new subjectivities with in the frame work of a reconfiguration of the public.Therefore, the identifications raised between different citizen sectors and the Peronist political discourse are established in a space that defines what a community means and the limits that structureits interior and exterior.


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Author Biography

Marilina del Valle Truccone, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Licenciada en Ciencia Politica, Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria. Doctoranda en Ciencia Politica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Actualmente revista como Becaria Inicial Doctoral de la ANPCyT-FONCyT.



How to Cite

Truccone, M. del V. (2019). The configuration of the public space in the first peronism. Question/Cuestión, 1(61), e146.



initiation to research