A history of mankind told from the social communication





The article provides an overview of the book world history of communication written by the PhD in Social Sciences and professor of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain). The text proposes a tour since the dawn of mankind until the present day, but from an original perspective, since each modification or change cultural habit is subject to communicational interpretation. In such a way that it ends up forming an original and interesting version of human evolution both cultural and technological.


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Author Biography

Luis Mauro Sujatovich, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Profesor investigador del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.



How to Cite

Sujatovich, L. M. (2019). A history of mankind told from the social communication. Question/Cuestión, 1(61), e150. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e150