Popular culture, social networks and new technologies: changes in subjectivities through cultural consumption





Popular culture, social networks, cultural consumption


The article offers a review of the book Public intimacy of Beatriz Sarlo, renowned Argentine essayist, graduate in literature from the University of Buenos Aires and specialist in the field of literary and cultural criticism. The text proposes a journey through the central literary genres of modern Argentina for the interest in changes in sexuality, sensuality and subjectivities proposed by the world of medical spectacle, new technologies and social networks. In turn, we can emphasize the different models of happiness constructed by the sentimental literature of the beginning of the 20th century and the middle genres of scandal and the idyll of motherhood.


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Author Biography

Luciano Francisco Del Hoyo, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Estudiante avanzado de la carrera de Licenciatura en Sociología, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


Sarlo, B. (2018). La intimidad pública. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Seix Barral.



How to Cite

Del Hoyo, L. F. (2019). Popular culture, social networks and new technologies: changes in subjectivities through cultural consumption. Question/Cuestión, 1(63), e198. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e198