Metaphysics and common sense. The deconstruction of the heteronormative matrix in Judith Butler´s thought


  • Alejandro Chuca Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad de Buenos Aires



Judith Butler; gender; queer theory; metaphysics; common sense., Judith Butler, gneder, queer theroy, metaphysics, common sense


The objective of this paper is to account for the heteronormative matrix that produces the exclusion suffered by all those who assume gender identities outside of male-female binarism. The post-feminist posture developed by Butler will be exposed, demonstrating in a second moment the influences that allowed the north american author to take a leap over feminism's approaches rather close to a substantialist model. For that reason, we will put special emphasis on the question of the metaphysics of the substance that dominates western thought, exposing the new way that Butler elaborates to think about social reality and subjects. Then we argue in favor of the link between metaphysics and common sense, to demonstrate its effectiveness in everyday reproduce of the heteronormative matrix. Finally, we will expose the macro and microsociological modes in which the production of gender identities works.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Chuca, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciado en Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2012). Maestreando en Estudios interdisciplinarios de la subjetividad de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becario doctoral AGENCIA. Se especializa en los temas vinculados a los procesos de producción de subjetividad.  


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How to Cite

Chuca, A. (2019). Metaphysics and common sense. The deconstruction of the heteronormative matrix in Judith Butler´s thought. Question/Cuestión, 1(63), e168.