Without words: genesis and developments of the studies on non-verbal communication


  • Julio César Pereiro Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2731-2971




Non-verbal communication, Social comunication, Kinesthetic, Proxemics, Paralanguage


Since its beginnings almost seventy years ago, nonverbal communication studies (NVC) have been developed mainly from the contributions of the fields of psychology and anthropology. In this sense, the NVC has devoted itself to the description of those events of human communication that transcend words spoken or written. The present article proposes to carry out a tour of the main contributions in the field of NVC, from the initial development of the kinesthetic, the proxemics and the paralinguistics to the investigations in micromovements. Likewise, there is a need to study the NVC from the perspective of social communication, a discipline that has been largely absent in studies of the subject.


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Author Biography

Julio César Pereiro, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Professor (2006) and bachelor of Social Communication with Institutional orientation (2014). University professor in the subject "Introduction to Political Science" of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Centro de la Prov. de Buenos Aires. Professor at the pre-university level. Teacher of the subject "Communication" at the Juan Vucetich Police School and "Communication Techniques" at the Center for Higher Studies in Police Specializations (CAEEP). He has organized and given training in Customer Service, focusing on the area of nonverbal communication



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Davis, F. (1992). La comunicación no verbal. Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial.
Ekman, P. (2015). Cómo detectar mentiras. Una guía para utilizar en el trabajo, la política y la pareja. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Paidós.

Hall, E. (1973). La dimensión oculta. México: Editorial Siglo XXI.

Knapp, M. (1997). La comunicación no verbal. El cuerpo y el entorno. México: Editorial Paidós.

Poyatos, F. (1994a). La comunicación no verbal I: Cultura, lenguaje y conversación. Madrid, España: Editorial Istmo.

Poyatos, F. (1994b). La comunicación no verbal II: Paralenguaje, kinésica e interacción. Madrid, España: Editorial Istmo.

Turchet, P. (2011). El lenguaje del cuerpo. Bilbao, España: Ediciones Mensajero.



How to Cite

Pereiro, J. C. (2019). Without words: genesis and developments of the studies on non-verbal communication. Question/Cuestión, 1(64). https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e205