Comunicar con TIC: desafíos y posibilidades




ICT, Communication, Teaching, Journalism, Planning


This article reviews the Ebook “The adventure of innovating with ICT II: conceptual contributions, experiences and proposals”, 2018, edited by Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication -Universidad Nacional de La Plata. The book reflects the place that technologies have nowadays in the different labor outlets of the social communicator: teaching, journalism and planning. With a foreword writen by Omar Rincón, the first part includes a series of reflections on general contextual issues.

The rest of the volume includes some final works of the 2016 cohort of the Seminar "Estrategias de trabajo colaborativo con redes sociales virtuales y otros asistentes online" given in the FPyCS-UNLP. Each article introduces the potentialities and challenges of the new digital and network context for the communicators of the 21st century. Available for free download at http: // |


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Author Biography

María Esperanza Ramirez, Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social; Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Bachelor and Professor in Social Communication- FPyCS- UNLP- Argentina.

Specialist in Education and ICT, INFOD- Ministry of Education of the Nation.

She is currently teaching in medium -level educational institutions.


Martín, María Victoria/ Vestfrid, Pamela.
La aventura de innovar con TIC II: aportes conceptuales, experiencias y propuestas / María Victoria
Martín; Pamela Vestfrid. - 1a ed . - La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social, 2018. Libro digital, PDF
Archivo Digital: descarga y online
ISBN 978-950-34-1711-9



How to Cite

Ramirez, M. E. (2019). Comunicar con TIC: desafíos y posibilidades. Question/Cuestión, 1(64).