Non Human Animals and low-density suburbs




Suburb, No-specist urbanism, non-human animals



This text seeks to accompany some deconstruction processes of models of connection with the environment, nature and life. It will be, in this case, the reflection on how the soil is transformed into merchandise and everything that lives inside loses its free entity, being subject to the will of the owner. This text recalls the conceptualization of urban closures as a novel form of land occupation, from legitimacy human to the interests of wild and liminal nonhuman animals. The case of suburb as a space for experimentation where ideas of a possible non-specist urbanism materialize, interested in animals and witness, in some cases, of a biocentric paradigm. Finally, two examples are analyzed as they constitute or not genuine forms of integration and inclusion between human and non-human.


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How to Cite

Frasson, P. (2019). Non Human Animals and low-density suburbs. Question/Cuestión, 1(64).