Animales inapropiados/bles. Notas sobre las relaciones entre transfeminismos y antiespecismos


  • Anahí Gabriela González Instituto de Filoso´fía; Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes; Universidad Nacional de San Juan/ Universidad Nacional de San Martín/ Université Paris VIII



Transfeminism, Anti-speciesism, Veganism, Posthumanism


This article seeks to address the relations between feminisms and anti-speciesism, in the context of the question of the sacrificial and normative character of the human. In the first place, the problematization of speciesism will be inscribed in the framework of the deconstruction of the order of power that Donna Haraway called the "white capitalist patriarchy". In the second place, will be delimited some limits of certain anti-speciesist feminist discourse, particularly that of Carol Adams, concerning both her binary view of gender and her stance on sex work. Finally, it will be reflect on the potential of thinking anti-speciesism and vegan politics in an intersectional key, in order to bet on "alliances" that displace the cis-heteropatriarchal, racist, capacitist and specist production of the human norm, and that they also resist the capitalist mode of production.


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Author Biography

Anahí Gabriela González, Instituto de Filoso´fía; Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes; Universidad Nacional de San Juan/ Universidad Nacional de San Martín/ Université Paris VIII

Becaria doctoral del CONICET. Doctoranda en Filosofía en cotutela entre la Université Paris VIII y la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Licenciada en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Profesora Titular de la Cátedra Ética de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Actualmente es directora de la Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales e integrante del ILECA.  


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How to Cite

González, A. G. (2019). Animales inapropiados/bles. Notas sobre las relaciones entre transfeminismos y antiespecismos. Question/Cuestión, 1(64).