Can I take a picture of you?: Production and circulation of images in the artistic world drag queen.


  • María Daniela Brollo Instituto de Humanidades; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



artistic world, image, photography, drag quenn, social networks


The growing circulation of digital images on the Internet has modified the logics of production, visibility and reception of many social universes. The drag queen art world is no exception and in the last two decades the circulation of photographs in virtual social networks have transformed some of the practices and social relations that constitute this social universe.

This work refers to these processes of transformation from an ethnographic approach to the relationship between images and the artistic practice of drag queen, through the analysis of the production and circulation of digital photographs on virtual platforms. The first section of the text contains an introductory review of some dialogical approaches from anthropology to the study of the visual and images. Then a set of notes on my ethnographic research and the following two sections contain the analysis of a set of on-line and off-line social interactions that took place between the artists and their audience with the effects of the production and reception of photographs on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. This article represents a commitment to investigate a social universe based on the analysis of the configuration of relations with images.


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Author Biography

María Daniela Brollo, Instituto de Humanidades; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/ Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Graduate in Anthropology (2017) and PhD student in Anthropological Sciences at the National University of Córdoba. She is currently a doctoral scholarship holder of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research at the Institute of Humanities of the UNC and works as an assistant and collaborating teacher in different seminars and subjects of the same university. She specializes in gender and sexuality studies, artistic performances and evening sociabilities.  


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How to Cite

Brollo, M. D. (2020). Can I take a picture of you?: Production and circulation of images in the artistic world drag queen. Question/Cuestión, 1(65), e266.



initiation to research