Disability and distribution of symbolic goods

An analysis of accessibility experiences in universities in the Buenos Aires suburbs





disability, accessibility, university, symbolic goods


This article constitutes an analysis of the institutional experience of students with disabilities in two universities in the Buenos Aires suburbs, the National University of Quilmes (UNQ) and the National Arturo Jauretche University (UNAJ). The objective of this text is to understand the internal dynamics of institutions and their relationship with the distribution of symbolic goods. The dimensions of analysis emerging from the research experience placed the reflection in the identification processes, the construction of university citizenship, the phenomenon of neighborhood metropolitan universities and the experiences in student politics.

The focus of this work is placed on some cultural and symbolic dimensions that are determining factors of the experience of disability in the university environment. These reflections allow us to understand that the construction of an accessible university implies a broader cultural transformation that modifies the common sense that is built around disability in our society.


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Author Biography

Antonella Rapanelli, Disability Observatory; Department of Social Sciences; National University of Quilmes

Teaching degree of Social Sciences from the National University of Quilmes (2017), Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from the National University of Quilmes (2019), PhD Student of Sociology from the Institute of Higher Social Studies of the National University of San Martín (IDAES-UNSAM).

Her research works are in the field of social studies on disability. Within this field of knowledge, he participated in research projects and publications aimed to studying public policies and the pedagogical and institutional experiences of accompanying students with disabilities at the secondary and university levels. She has given training on this topic at the higher level. She also participated as a researcher in a project aimed to learning about access to communication, information and digital accessibility services for people with disabilities in the Southern Cone. She was a Research Initiation Fellow at the Research Secretariat and a Teaching and Research Fellow at the Department of Social Sciences of the National University of Quilmes. Currently she works as a middle level teacher and tutor of the university life workshop coordinated by the UNQ Academic Secretary.


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How to Cite

Rapanelli, A. (2020). Disability and distribution of symbolic goods: An analysis of accessibility experiences in universities in the Buenos Aires suburbs. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e480. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e480


