And the world embraced them. Regarding trips abroad to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo


  • Paula Zubillaga Instituto del Desarrollo Humano; Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



Mothers of Plaza de May0, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Human rights movement, Travel abroad


Review of the work divided into two volumes The world is a handkerchief. Travel abroad of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, published by the Editorial of the National University of La Plata in November 2018 and coordinated by Luis Zarranz. The first volume covers the trips undertaken between 1978 and 1990, while the second took between 1991 and 1997. Read as a whole and given the archival material used, the work is very valuable in at least two aspects. On the one hand, it allows the organization of different organizations abroad to be constituted into Support Groups for the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, which brings us closer to the impact of the Association outside Argentina's borders. On the other hand, -although it is not proposed-, it allows to deepen the relationship, so little studied, between the Association and its subsidiaries, obtaining a small approximation to the impact of the Association within the country.


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Author Biography

Paula Zubillaga, Instituto del Desarrollo Humano; Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Professor in History from the National University of Mar del Plata (2010), History Degree from the National University of Mar del Plata (2012), Master in History and Memory from the National University of La Plata (2019), PhD student in History at the National University of La Plata, professor at the National University of José C. Paz, intern doctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research based at the Institute of Human Development of the National University of General Sarmiento. Member of PHIC-IDH-UNGS, of the editorial committee of the Aletheia magazine and of the Interuniversity Network of Human Rights. She specializes in memory issues, the recent argentine past and the human rights movement.


Zarranz, Luis (Coordinador) (2018). El mundo es un pañuelo. Viajes al exterior de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Tomo I (1978-1990). La Plata: EDULP. 523 p.

Zarranz, Luis (Coordinador) (2018). El mundo es un pañuelo. Viajes al exterior de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Tomo II (1991-1997). La Plata: EDULP. 609 p.



How to Cite

Zubillaga, P. (2020). And the world embraced them. Regarding trips abroad to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e510.




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