Pandemos. Por una cultura antiviral


  • Diego Ezequiel Litvinoff Instituto de Arte Americano; Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo; Universidad de Buenos Aires



Pandemic, Pandemos, The viral, Quarantine, Gesture


Based on the quarantine situation and the relation between space/temporal suspense and thought, this paper proposes to problematize the notion of pandemic, unfolding an alternative concept around the term «pandemos». By extending the consideration of viral from its medical meanings to its cultural manifestations, it is intended to realize that which is in danger in the times that are running, and on what mechanisms of resistance must be developed, concerns not only the natural dimension of life, but also the highest human creations, written and visual. Thus, around a notion of the common/popular untied from the epidemiological substrate, it is invited to generate instances of pure mediality, recovering the importance of the gestural for this.


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Author Biography

Diego Ezequiel Litvinoff, Instituto de Arte Americano; Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo; Universidad de Buenos Aires



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How to Cite

Litvinoff, D. E. (2021). Pandemos. Por una cultura antiviral. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e544.