Deconstruction: textuality, hegemony and difference


  • Ana Sorin Institute of Philosophy "Dr. Alejandro Korn"; Faculty of Philosophy and Letters; University of Buenos Aires



deconstruction; textuality; difference; politics


The word «deconstruction» has undoubtedly gained some notorious popularity during the recent years, but in this occasion we will be focused in addressing this issue particularly from the perspective of Jacques Derrida (the so-called «father» of deconstruction). That being said, in this writing we aim to explore the link between deconstruction, hegemony and difference. In particular, we will be interested in considering the relation this thinker had with the May 1968 protests: protests that he witnessed and in which he participated, but whose adherence we know was far from being energetic or total. As we hope to show, it is possible to find in the Derridian works published so far (from 1963 to 1967) keys to understand his position in a philosophically rich and productive way. That being said, the questions that will guide our work are what kind of space is there for change and «subversion» from a deconstructive perspective, and fundamentally what is its relationship with institutions as «established orders».


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Author Biography

Ana Sorin, Institute of Philosophy "Dr. Alejandro Korn"; Faculty of Philosophy and Letters; University of Buenos Aires

Ana Sorin is Professor of Secondary and Superior Education of Philosophy (UBA), teaches Metaphysics in the career of Philosophy (UBA) and holds a CONICET scholarship. She is currently finishing her doctoral thesis on the Derridian notion of writing. She has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals.


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How to Cite

Sorin, A. (2021). Deconstruction: textuality, hegemony and difference. Question/Cuestión, 3(68), e517.