Community radios and pandemic

The role of alternative media in the Covid-19 emergency.




Community radios, pandemic, alternative media, right to communication, democratic construction


Abstract: The following text is a critical review of the paper “Medios de comunicación en tiempos de pandemia. Nueva normalidad, otra comunicación” written by Ernesto Lamas. This report was published in October 2020 in the framework of a global context convulsed by Covid-19 and less than a year after a change of government in Argentina. The author's aim is to focus on the role of alternative media, which reinvented themself during the pandemic to continue to function as spaces for democratic construction and enable the community to exercise the right to communication. The questions that Lamas proposes about the future of the sector, along with the search for solutions to face the current and historical situation of alternative media, represent the double objective of the author that fluctuates between reflection and a call to action.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Aldana Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de Moreno

Estudiante de la Lic. en Comunicación Social en la Universidad Nacional de Moreno (UNM).
Miembro del proyecto de investigación "La dimensión discursiva de las políticas públicas de comunicación del macrismo: entre la modernización y la desdemocratización” (PICYDT SdI N° 20/20) del Centro de Estudios de Medios y Comunicación DHyCS- UNM.

Valentina Angelini, VA, National University of Moreno

Student of the Bachelor of Social Communication at the National University of Moreno (UNM).
Member of the research project "The discursive dimension of macrismo public communication policies: between modernization and de-democratization" (PICYDT SdI N ° 20/20) of the Center for Media and Communication Studies DHyCS-UNM.


Lamas, E. (2020). Medios comunitarios en tiempos de pandemia. Nueva normalidad, otra comunicación. Recuperado de

Lamas, E. (29 de enero de 2020). Radios comunitarias, pluralismo y políticas públicas.Telám. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Aguirre, V. A., & Angelini, V. (2021). Community radios and pandemic: The role of alternative media in the Covid-19 emergency. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e585.