Between Writing and the unspeakable of the crisis

La experiencia de la crisis en La intemperie, de Gabriela Massuh


  • Carolina Rossini Universidad de Buenos Aires



crisis, experience, representation, journal, writing


The present work aims to reflect on the way in which the event of the December 2001 crisis is configured in La intemperie, by Gabriela Massuh. The ways of approaching the concept through the personal diary builds a multiplicity of discourses, forms and contents that, in different ways, approximate the artistic representation of an event that is characterized, within the narrative, by abandonment, vulnerability and the collapse on different planes. In this way, the work seeks to address the way in which the writing of the crisis supposes a power insofar as it allows opening crystallized senses, breaking with the hierarchy of dichotomies between the private and the public, as well as configuring a type representation that intersects meanings, signifiers and genders.


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Author Biography

Carolina Rossini, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Carolina Rossini es licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Rossini, C. (2021). Between Writing and the unspeakable of the crisis: La experiencia de la crisis en La intemperie, de Gabriela Massuh. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e562.