Sociology and Politics: relations, tensions and conflicts.




sociology, political, common sense, social request, power


This article analizes the complex relation between sociology and polítics since from de origin of the creation of this social science, that continues, in the same firm intention in this scientific displine in a constant process of replanting and checking as two hundred years ago.

It´s neccesary to review in a perspective way some of the founders about the discipline as well as contemporary authors and books that inquires about the utility of such science. Those aproachs drive as always towards the relation between sociology and politics, between sciencie and power, just to mention some of the inquiry.

The posible origin establish the division between the theorical field and the applied knowledge like a relation between sociology and politics that yet has not a response to the expectations since their setting up.

The article aproachs as much in its analysis as the hipothesis the relacion in the thematic meaning, the unregulation necesity to go further in a critical tone but in the truthful path to overcame the division that denies valuable alternatives of sinergy in the way of development.


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Author Biography

Daniel Rubén Natapof, Cátedra DDHH; Sede Andina; Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Licenciado en Sociología  por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1994), Profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria Normal y Especial en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1996), se ha desempeñado en diversos cargos públicos entre ellos Subsecretario de Gestión en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de Río Negro, Secretario de Gobierno de la municipalidad de Bariloche y Concejal Municipal. Desde hace diez años es Docente en la Cátedra de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, es Presidente de la Asociación de Sociólogos de la República Argentina.


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How to Cite

Natapof, D. R. (2021). Sociology and Politics: relations, tensions and conflicts. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e552.