Thinking the truth in times of fake news

Dialogues between History and Communicational Studies to re-think the problematic of the truth in digital journalism


  • Sergio Gustavo Grabosky Universidad Nacional de Salta



Digital journalism, Fake news, Infoxication, Journalistic discourse, Journalism and truth


This work is part of a research work on digital journalism in Salta, Argentina, carried out within Project N ° 2681/0 New discursive formats: digital journalism and transmedia narratives under my direction, with the subsidy granted by the Research Council of the National University of Salta, Argentina.

Starting from the theoretical-methodological concepts of Microhistory placed in relation to communicational studies, we rethink the relationship between the discourse of both research practices - historical and journalistic - with the search for truth, which is evident in the communicative function: to inform - be truthful. We go back to the historical and journalistic methodologies that seek to systematize forms of information processing according to this communicative function, such as consulting documents or testimonies, sources of information, and the adoption of a historical and journalistic construction form different from the fiction story.

The production context of this study is that of global digital journalism from a local perspective, located in the City of Salta, Argentina. We are in a situation of extreme misinformation, proliferation of fakenews and the consequent crisis of public confidence in the press. It is in this context that a question is raised, certainly, not a rhetorical one: By any chance is truth worth it?


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Author Biography

Sergio Gustavo Grabosky, Universidad Nacional de Salta

Sergio Grabosky Nace en Salta, Argentina en 1972. Es Profesor en Letras para la Enseñanza media y terciaria por la Universidad Nacional de Salta. Especialista en Lectura, escritura y educación por  FLACSO y  Master en Ciencias Sociales  con mención en formación e investigación por la Université de Reims, Champagne- Ardenne, Francia. Actualmente estudia el Doctorado en Comunicación en la UNLP. Se desempeña como Prof. Adjunto de Comprensión y producción de textos en la Carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicación y dirige un proyecto de investigación sobre periodismo digital en Salta en el Consejo de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina


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How to Cite

Grabosky, S. G. (2021). Thinking the truth in times of fake news: Dialogues between History and Communicational Studies to re-think the problematic of the truth in digital journalism. Question/Cuestión, 3(70), E618.