Prestige and technology

appropriation of the mobile phone in social differentiation practices




Social status, communication technology, mobile phone, social inequality


This article, the result of a doctoral research, relied on the theory of statutory consumption to describe the social impact of the appropriation of mobile devices on the practices of prestige and differentiation of groups belonging to social classes. He responded to a mixed type of investigation, using qualitative biographical interview techniques for six people and quantitative techniques such as the survey for 122 people. Among its main results it was evidenced how the emulation practices around the use, purchase and excessive spending on models and brands, as well as the daily need to show off these devices contribute to reproduce and naturalize the orders of social inequality in contexts of profound inequity such as that faced in Colombia.


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How to Cite

Oliveros Fortiche, D. E. (2021). Prestige and technology: appropriation of the mobile phone in social differentiation practices. Question/Cuestión, 3(70).