What is being a hacker?


  • Nelson Scariot Esquivel Degree in Social Communication, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1316-6037




hacker, cracker, hacker genesis


This article is based on the first chapter of my dissertation Hacker culture as a philosophy of life in the era of cyber capitalism. An approach to the case in Mendoza. Here we seek to answer the question: what is being a hacker? To answer it, it is necessary to go through the origin of the term, understand its misrepresentation over time at the hands of the hegemonic power, and analyze the difference between hackers and crackers. This will lead us to specify, expand and re-signify the hacker concept as a person who differs, creates, shares and expresses their creative passion freely in pursuit of the common good.


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Author Biography

Nelson Scariot Esquivel, Degree in Social Communication, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo

Degree in Social Communication, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo (2020). Professor of secondary education in Social Communication by the Tomás Alva Edison School and the San Buenaventura School (2021). Ad-honorem Ascribed Professor at the Informatics and Society Seminar by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo.


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Raymond. Eric (2002). Breve Historia de la Cultura Hacker. Recuperado en https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/opensources/book/raymond2.html.

Soria Guzmán, Irene (2016). Ética hacker, seguridad y vigilancia. México. Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.

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Wark, McKenzie (2006). Un manifiesto hacker. Barcelona, España. Alpha Decay.



How to Cite

Scariot Esquivel, N. (2022). What is being a hacker?. Question/Cuestión, 3(71), E661. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e661