Hackers, política y revolución





hacker philosophy, cyber capitalism, hacker culture, hacker class, vectorist class


The following article is based on chapter three of my dissertation Hacker culture as a philosophy of life in the era of cyber capitalism. An approach to the case in Mendoza. Here we analyze the revolutionary potential of hackers in the face of the current economic, political and information system that governs the world: cyber capitalism (Tiqqun, 2016). Focusing on the political and philosophical aspect of hacker culture. Indeed, we seek to answer the following questions: Can hackers become a political class? Why think of hackers in revolutionary terms? Do they actually present a revolutionary attitude towards cyber capitalism? What are your chances of setting up a revolution? Is it correct to speak of hacker philosophy?



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Author Biography

Nelson Scariot Esquivel, Researcher by Social Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo

Degree in Social Communication, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo (2020). Professor of secondary education in Social Communication by the Tomás Alva Edison School and the San Buenaventura School (2021). Ad-honorem Ascribed Professor at the Computer Science and Society Seminar by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo (2021).


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How to Cite

Scariot Esquivel, N. (2022). Hackers, política y revolución . Question/Cuestión, 3(72), E716. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e716