Stories and findings in times of pandemic


  • María del Rosario Colina Gando Universidad del Zulia. Escuela de Fotografía Julio Vengoechea
  • Ángel Emiro Páez Moreno Universidad del Zulia, Universidad de Boyacá Maracaibo, República Bolivariana de Venezuela
  • Walter Saldaña Manche Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Society Studies (CIICS) Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades



pandemic, infodemic, COVID-19, photography, media


The objective of the research was to gather several photographic accounts and findings about stories and findings in times of pandemic, with the intention of mapping experiences and views from science about living with the COVID-19 virus. Two types of methodologies were used to achieve the objectives. On the one hand, the documentary methodology was used through photographs to represent the "calm", from the point of view of family members of the researchers themselves. As for the scientific findings, we reviewed studies obtained from from the years 2020 and 2021, which addressed the problem of infodemia (in addition to the disastrous health and economic repercussions, COVID-19 has also led to an epidemic of misinformation and rumors, an "infodemia"). Cybergraphy was also used for the study of one of the pioneering digital portals in the work of information verification in Peru, which is Ojo Público.


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How to Cite

Colina Gando, M. del R. ., Páez Moreno, Ángel E., & Saldaña Manche , W. . (2021). Stories and findings in times of pandemic. Question/Cuestión, 3(70), E597.



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